Saturday, April 11, 2015

Relief for Chronic Ailments with DMT

DMT and Chronic Ailments
Gina Catania, CC, CMT, DMT Practitioner
Chronic ailments such as allergies and asthma, arthritis, pain, fibromyalgia, edema, hypertension, muscle atrophy, poor circulation, respiratory congestion, headaches and more can be treated with Decompression Massage Therapy.  The treatment uses alternating pressure to exercise tissue, making it strong and healthy while also stimulating blood flow and improving the circulatory system.  This also helps the oxygen and nutrients in the blood cleanse and heal the body to reduce and eliminate chronic ailments.  Best of all, with DMT one need not risk the negative effects of chemicals, injections or a surgical procedure. It is an all-natural, soothing and painless therapy.
To learn more: